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Skills Workshops

Our evidence-based workshops are designed to help individuals develop their skills in emotional intelligence, and in turn support businesses to create collaborative, inclusive and high-performing cultures. Our workshops are based on the latest psychological research and insight, are highly interactive and experiential, and can be run as stand-alone modules or as a longer-term learning programme to support deep culture change across your business. Below is an overview of our most popular workshops, get in touch for a full range of options.

Emotional Intelligence & Team Collaboration

In this highly experiential and interactive workshop, we use the DISC Insights Psychometric to understand your behaviour and communication preferences and those of the people we work with. The workshop covers:

  • Overview of common behavioural preferences including communication style, ways of working and approach to collaboration

  • An opportunity to learn about the preferences between team members including where there may be differences

  • Learning about the things we can do to collaborate more effectively with those we work with

Performance & Feedback Conversations

Performance and feedback conversations are an essential part of creating high performing teams. This evidence-based workshop is based on the key principles of better feedback conversations, and includes a variety of practice tools. We cover:

  • The risks and benefits of feedback conversations

  • Managing mindset and emotions

  • Key principles of effective feedback conversations including trust building and empathy

  • Strengths-based feedback

  • Human-centred tools for facilitating growth-oriented conversations

Unlocking a Growth Mindset

Courageous Conversations 

It is inevitable that from time to time we will be faced with situations where we need to engage in courageous or difficult conversations. From navigating interpersonal tensions at work to managing upwards, this workshop draws on evidence-based principles for how to collaborate effectively. We cover

  • The 5 common approaches to difficult conversations

  • Identifying positions and underlying needs

  • Practical techniques for collaborative communication including empathy and reframe

  • Tools for communicating with assertiveness and compassion.

Maintaining a growth mindset isn't always easy especially when dealing with challenging situations. In this practical workshop we explore a range of evidence-based tools for nurturing learning and success: 

  • Definitions and benefits of a growth mindset vs fixed mindset

  • Common blockers, including Inner Critics and Saboteurs

  • Self-acceptance and compassion focused approaches

  • Positive Psychology and strengths tools

  • The Loyal Soldier technique

  • Cognitive reframing

The Coach Approach

Coaching approaches enable leaders to lead with an effective balance between assertive and empathic support, thus creating a powerful, performance-based culture of well-being and self-responsibility. In this practical workshop we explore:

  • The coaching mindset

  • Core coaching skills including contracting, listening, questioning and summarising

  • Goal setting and models to structure the conversation

  • Using a coach approach in a range of contexts including talking about well-being and performance

  • Barriers to effective coaching

Grow your Resilience

Resilience includes our capacity to withstand difficulties as well the ability to bounce back after a fall. The good news is that resilience is a skill that can be learned through mindful practice and reflection. In this skills session we cover:

  • Definitions of resilience

  • Understanding the causes of stress and impact on our well-being

  • Characteristics and traits of resilient people

  • A range of resilience enhancing tools including strengths building and cognitive reframing

  • Techniques in breathwork and mindfulness

  • Exploration of case studies and real-world scenarios

Creating Psychological Safety

Psychological safety creates fertile ground for diversity and inclusiveness, creativity and innovation, learning and high-performance cultures. This workshop draws on a mounting body of research to cover: 

  • What is psychological safety and how it can benefit your teams and organisation

  • Creating a safe environment for challenge and open communication

  • Techniques for candid conversations

  • Maintaining a healthy balance between support and accountability

  • Tools to build psychologically safe cultures

Building Trust

Building trust in the workplace is essential for fostering a positive and productive environment. Trust leads to better collaboration, increased loyalty, and higher morale  In this workshop, we will cover:

  • Fostering a culture of transparency and an environment where trust can thrive

  • The trust equation

  • Effective communication for trust building

  • Techniques for honest and supportive feedback to help build trust 

  • Inclusive decision making

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